Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sweetheart {Coppell Infant Photographer}

I had so much fun taking this sweet lil girl's pictures!  I still cannot believe she is 8 months old!  I did her newborn pictures back in December and time has literally flown by!  We had fun playing at the park and just hanging out with her parents (who are awesome).  I love this age - they are showing their personality and smiling, but they aren't quite mobile yet...they can't run away from the camera.  Check out her beautiful blue eyes!  She's going break some hearts with those eyes!  I have told my husband atleast twice now that I just love these pictures of this sweetheart.  Maybe because if I had a little girl, I would probably choose some of the exact same outfits (every lil girl needs a tutu and some pearls!)...

This one is my absolute FAV!  Sweet Smile and Smashing Eyes
Can't decide which picture I like better...the original or the antiqued effect.  Which one do you like?  Post a comment to let me know
Antiqued Effect


  1. i like the antiqued one... it's a little more timeless i think? i also LOVE the ones where she is looking up at you. TOO CUTE. and what a smile! (ps these are all fantastic. for real.)

  2. Hey girl!!! Your pictures just keep getting better and are so talented! I can't wait for the pumpkin patch pics! Oh and I like the antiqued picture. This little one is adorable.
